Thursday, February 3, 2011

If I Had a Camera

I'd take pictures in the morning.
I'd take pictures in the evening
All over this house!

My trusty little camera is MIA.  I have looked everywhere, and I can't find it.  I am beside myself. Major Bradford Academy events are going undocumented.  Alas....I will have to fill in with the work of others.

Here's a list of things for which I have no pictures:
Australia books for TOG Unit 2, Week 14
The Crafter's coral reef diorama--she took pictures of this.  It was the last known use of the camera.
Wild Thing's kookabura drawing.  We watched the following video.  I did not fully consider the consequences of letting him learn about this bird.

The Crafter and Wild Thing receiving green belts in karate.
Princess Pink being cute or annoying, I can't remember which.  She said (very loudly I might add), "Mama, is this where we buy dead animals?" as we walked by the meat counter.

And the one that breaks my heart the most,  the Crafter's performance in Cinderella.  She was a mouse.  She had full mouse makeup and a tail!  I have no pictures.  Here's one another mom took.

 If the camera doesn't turn up soon, I will have to shop for another one.  Hmm...maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie ~ I'm sorry you lost your friend. :( That's a hard thing to understand.

    Re: T-Tapp. I have never bought into any other plan because I knew I would not do it faithfully. I am less than a minimalist when it comes to exercise, and I was sucked in by the 15 min workout. It definitely delivers. It is doing its job, but I have a long way to go. Of course once you get started you find out just how much more of the program you could do if you were really motivated... which I'm not. Yet. We'll see what happens to my motivation when I take measurements. It will either double or go to nothing. :)

    Oh, and I love the kookaburra. Did you ever learn the song when you were a kid, the one about the kookaburra eating all the gumdrops?
