Here she is in the kitchen at Horne Creek Farm. She's a junior volunteer this year.
So, without further ado, here's the Crafter's lineup of subjects and curricula. Of course, we won't do every subject everyday, and I am still trying to wrap my brain around Tapestry of Grace.
The Crafter--Grade 6
Math: Singapore 5B and 6A
Grammar: Rod and Staff 6
Handwriting: Italic Book G
Spelling: Spelling Workout F/Spelling Power
Science: Continue study of human body followed by God's Design for the Physical World
Spanish: Rosetta Stone
Typing: Typing Instructor for Kids
History / Literature / Writing / Art and Music Appreciation / Geography / Christian Worldview: Tapestry of Grace Year 3 Dialectic level
That is so neat that your dd volunteers at Horne Creek! What a fun place. We visited several years ago when we were doing an intense 4 year study of NC History. :-)