Sunday, December 16, 2007

I Crashed a Baby Shower

My sister is expecting her first baby--a girl.  Her due date is January 3, but she will probably have a C-section on December 27 unless the baby has turned by Tuesday. 

She has had at least 3 baby showers given by various church groups. (My brother-in-law is a youth pastor.)  I was not invited to any of them.  To make matters worse, my mother and grandmother were not invited either.  This is simply not done.  The honoree at any shower should always be asked if she would like to invite any friends or family, but I guess this fine point of etiquette has been lost.

So when my sister asked if we were going to the shower at their former church (15 minutes from my house), the females of my family decided that it was time to take matters into our own hands and crash the party.  We prepared our gifts.  I even got creative and made a 4 tiered "diaper cake" using 116 disposable diapers.   I also had my "speech" ready in case we were questioned about being there.

We showed up at the shower and acted like we belonged.  The cake was excellent.  Everyone was nice, but it was evident that we were not expected to be there.  My sister thanked us for coming.  She wanted her family there and that was what was important.

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