Thursday, December 17, 2009

Beware Wild Thing Bearing Scissors

Things have been crazy around here lately.  I'm in the middle of exams, and have very little spare time.  The Crafter wanted to try out a snowflake craft we found on-line.  I told her we would make them after Wild Thing and Princess Pink were in bed. 

So the Crafter and I were happily cutting and taping, when we heard Princess Pink in the bathroom.  I asked the Crafter to make sure she was OK.  Then she called, "Mama, you have to see Princess Pink."

This is what I saw.

My brother did this.

Apparently, Princess Pink asked Wild Thing to make her have cute little hair.  Now she has no bangs and  bald spots, and  what's left is choppy.  I'm going to carry her to see if there's a miracle working hair stylist who can make this not look so horrible.  We have to do something before the Christmas play and the arrival of grandma.


  1. Oh no! I hope everything got worked out before Grandma arrived. Did the miracle working stylist help?

    I hope you and your family have an awesome Christmas.

  2. O wow, the same thing hapenned to a friend in our homeschool group. It must be a holiday thing. I certainly hope you were able to get it fixed. Short hair can be very pretty and cute as well.
